The collection to inculde: the first ever printed copy (with signed letters from both printer and publisher to that effect) of M. MaCaughan, The birth of the Titanic, 1998, Dublin: the Blackstaff press; K. T. Rowland, The Great Britain, 1971, Devon: David and Charles Newton Abbot; C. Mitchell, A Book of Ships, 1941, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.; P. Woodcock, Costal Navigation for the Novice, fourth edition 1946, London: Fredrick Muller Ltd.; D. Everitt, The K Boats, 1972, London: New English Library; D. Howarth, The Dreadnoughts, 1979, London: Lifetime Books Ltd; together with approximately 16 further titles
The collection to inculde: the first ever printed copy (with signed letters from both printer and publisher to that effect) of M. MaCaughan, The birth of the Titanic, 1998, Dublin: the Blackstaff press; K. T. Rowland, The Great Britain, 1971, Devon: David and Charles Newton Abbot; C. Mitchell, A Book of Ships, 1941, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd.; P. Woodcock, Costal Navigation for the Novice, fourth edition 1946, London: Fredrick Muller Ltd.; D. Everitt, The K Boats, 1972, London: New English Library; D. Howarth, The Dreadnoughts, 1979, London: Lifetime Books Ltd; together with approximately 16 further titles
The Birth of the Titanic has very light ware to the edges of the dust jacket
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Auction: The Mallams Collectors Sale, ending 11th Dec, 2023
A timed online sale including fine toys, comics, militaria and collectable items.